Hydrogen Peroxide
Hydrogen peroxide (hydrogen dioxide) is a water molecule with an extra oxygen atom. Hydrogen peroxide (French: Eau Oxygenee) was first reported by the French chemist Louis-Jacques Thenard in 1818. Our upper atmosphere contains an ozone layer. Unstable ozone (03) gives up its extra atom of oxygen to falling rainwater to form hydrogen peroxide (H202). In 1863 Meissner proved its presence in rain water collected during thunderstorms and has been corroborated by other research. Hydrogen peroxide is a naturally occurring compound found in nature (oceans, lakes, rivers, rain and snow) and in all life forms. The human body creates and uses hydrogen peroxide (free radicals) to destroy harmful bacteria, viruses, and fungi.
Ozone (O3) is created when radiation (ultraviolet light) from the sun interacts with oxygen (O2) in the atmosphere. O3 is heavier than O2 and falls toward the earth. In the lower atmosphere, ozone (03) encounters water vapor and forms hydrogen peroxide (H2O2). Rain water and snow contain a small percentage of hydrogen peroxide which acts as a natural disinfectant in lakes, rivers and oceans.
Many cities in Europe use ozone and hydrogen peroxide in their drinking waters. Hydrogen peroxide, ozone and ultraviolet light are a simple and effective combinations for drinking water sanitation. Ozone and ultraviolet light also works. Some cities in Europe have been purifying their drinking water with ozone since 1901. Ultraviolet light is used to disinfect surgical instruments, bedding, air, skin, body fluids, etc. of viruses and bacteria. Bacterial and viral disinfection with ozone works up to 5000 times faster than chlorine. Many brands of bottled water that you buy in this country have been ozonated for your protection. Hydrogen peroxide is found in all fresh fruits and vegetables, some of it comes from rain water and some of it is manufactured in the photosynthesis process. Eating fresh fruits and vegetables (preferably organic) in their raw state helps get this healing oxygen into our bodies.
Hydrogen peroxide is really hydrogen dioxide. Its chemical formula is H2O2.
Hydrogen peroxide contains one more atom of oxygen than water does. Boiling point: 286° F (141° C) and Freezing point: 12° F (-11° C). Hydrogen Peroxide is a chemical compound that is a colorless, syrupy, oxidizing liquid, capable of reacting explosively with combustibles. When stored under the proper conditions, it is a very stable compound.
Hydrogen Peroxide is used in a water solution as a mild antiseptic, a bleaching agent, an oxidizing agent, and as a laboratory reagent. Hydrogen Peroxide is soluble in alcohol or ether. Commercial Hydrogen Peroxide usually has a small amount of stabilizer (acetanilide) in it. Hydrogen Peroxide is available for household use as a 3% (by weight) water solution; it is used as a mild bleaching agent and medicinally as an antiseptic. Recent studies indicate that Hydrogen Peroxide is toxic to new cells and is not recommended for wound care.